
Market Wrap

Market Wrap The ice has melted. Crypto winter is now over as markets surge an epic 13 percent on the day to hit a new high not seen since September last year. Bitcoin has led the pack once again but some of the altcoins are getting double digit gains today. Total market capitalization has pumped close to $240 billion, doubling since mid-February. Bitcoin breezed past $8,000 a few hours ago to record a high of $8,050, its highest price for almost nine months. The monumental daily pump is the second time in less than a week that BTC has surged by a thousand dollars. The  big pullback  that everybody has expected has not arrived yet and momentum is still extremely bullish for the king of crypto. Ethereum has finally broke and remained over $200 as it too grabs the coat tails of Bitcoin and rises 10 percent. ETH was trading just below $210 at the time of writing and is likely to go higher according to the  technicals .  ETH has not had a sustained run above $200 since early Novembe

Steps to set up Google Authenticator to enable 2FA:

Here is how you can set it up if you are looking for a reliable 2FA partner. For the purpose of shedding light upon the whole process, I am using Binance as an example to set up the 2FA process. Please note that this is just an example and you can swap out the Binance exchange for the one that you are using. The procedure involved is quite standard and similar across all exchanges. 1.  Go to  (for example) and log into your exchange account. 2.  Enter your email ID and password and click on Login. 3.  The website will now ask you to complete a small puzzle by dragging a piece of it through the slider. This is in place to make sure you are a human and not a bot. 4.  Once you are on the homepage of the website, Hover over the profile icon in the top right panel. 5.  Click on Account. This will take you to the account details and settings page of the exchange. 6.  If Two Factor Authentication is not enabled on your account, the website will automatic

How To Set up 2FA Using Google Authenticator

2nd-factor authentication is nothing new to the people who are into the technology field for a while. In our last article in this series, I have explained in depth about what is 2FA and how does it benefit. I also explained in detail about YubiKey which enables us to make 2FA more secure by using a hardware (Physical) device. However, right now the most practical way of setting up 2FA is by using a mobile authenticator app called Google Authenticator. This is an official app by Google and it was earlier widely used for securing Gmail account and now most of us are using the same technology to secure our accounts on exchanges. In this tutorial, I will explain in depth about: What is the Google authenticator app How to set up 2FA using Google authenticator app (Taking example from  Binance ) What happens to 2FA if you lose access to your phone How to ensure maximum security when setting up 2FA And few more tips to help you get started with Google authe

What is ICO- Initial Coin Offering| Paroexchange

An initial coin offering is a type of funding using cryptocurrencies. Mostly the process is done by crowd funding but private ICO’s are becoming more common. A quantity of cryptocurrency is sold in the form of tokens to investors , in exchange of other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin or Ethereum . the token sold are promoted as future functional unit of currency or when the goal of ICO crowd funding meets the project launch. An ICO can be source of capital for startup companies. The ICO have been truly revolutionary and have managed to accomplish many amazing tasks. Anyone can invest in a project they are interested in by purchasing the token of that particular company and become the part of that project themselves. Since 2013 ICO’s are often used to fund the development of new cryptocurrencies. The pre-created token can be easily sold and traded on all cryptocurrency exchange if there is demand for them. Source: Hacker Noon Why will a startup company prefer ICO? The c

How Do Ethereum Smart Contracts Work?

New Technology made possible by public blockchain, smart contract are difficult to understand because the term partly confuses the core interaction described. Smart Contract enforces a relationship with cryptographic code. Smart contract are programs that execute exactly as they are set up to by their creators. First conceived in 1993, the idea was originally described by computer scientist and cryptographer Nick Szabo as a kind of digital vending machine. In his famous example, he describes how users could input data or value, and receive a finite item from a machine. In a simple example, Ethereum users can send 10 ether to a friend on a certain date using a smart contract. Ethereum is a platform that’s built specifically for creating smart contracts. What are smart Contracts? Quoting Wikipedia “A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contract allow the performance of cr

What is Cryptocurrency

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. A cryptocurrency is difficult to counterfeit because of security feature. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized system based on blockchain technology. The first blockchain based cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, which still remains the most popular and most valuable. There are thousands of alternate’s cryptocurencies with various functions or specifications. Cryptocurrencies are systems that allows for the secure payments of online transactions that are denominated in terms of a virtual token. The first cryptocurrency to capture the public attention was “Bitcoin” which was launched in 2009 by a group or a person named Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin’s success has created a number of competing cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin , Ethereum , Ripple and many more, Today, there are literally thousands of cryptocurrencies in existence. Cryptocurrencies hold the promise of making it easier to transfer funds d